Variations of phone numbers: +34(8200028) 9-2, (8200028) 9-2, 8200028-9-2, +34 8200028-9-2 or 34 8200028 9 2
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All information about the phone number 34820002892 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!
It is a number for a north american man or woman, who contacts you by Facebook Dating, maybe other more, he or she have a convincing story: he has a sick mother in Taiwan and he supposed to live in London, from asiatic parents, he wanted to know a good person in his life, because is getting older, and have two jobs to afford the expenses of his mother, he uses photos from internet, (I think is from asiatic necklaces page) he ask for pictures or information about you, be careful!!!.
hola tia habla jose Alejandro, te saludo con cariño deseando estes bien al igaul que Alleen y Kevin, te cuento que mañana 26 me operan a las 6 AM aca en el socooro del oido derecho. no tengo movil y he tratado de llamarte pero no sale la llamada.estoy en una situacion finaniera muy dificil y sin trabajo desde hace 1 mes y los ahorros ya sin duros, perdoname que te mande este mensaje pero no tengo a nadie mas a quien acudir. con ayuda o sin ayuda sabes que siempre estaras en micorazon y que te deseo lo mejor siempre, Dios te siga bendiciendo, si es posible que me ayudes, me puedes girar a san gil. la operacion dice ser ambulatoria, me duermen todo, y espero salir de alli a las 2 PM. Timpanoplastia tipo II con osiculoplastia. con la ayuda de Dios todo saldra bien. Bendiciones besos y abrazos
"It’s a little heavy at first. Coming to God. It’s because you’ve carried the weight of so much sin and struggle for so long. The darkness has become comfortable. That first of ray of light will feel a little uncomfortable. It will sting a little. But I promise you, once you confront your shortcomings- His mercy will elude light into every broken part of your soul."