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1. Diego07-04-2017 г.
Es un estafador. Its a scamer. He pays you a bill and later scam you.
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All information about the phone number 447983723431 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

telegram. org19-12-2016 г.
Please check this chanel and ID Ⓢ @The_god_fatheer he is annoying users.check the number of his spam and reports.he has many complain he abuse to the users face and ask the phone number of girls.if they wouldnt give,he abuse them. @gerila99
ROSE26-09-2016 г.
hi Sinan , i am Sarah liang forwarder , i send 2ctns goods to you by DHL :6170395335 now the goods need offer clearance doucment packing list and invoice to me pls send to me
Shoot the mf26-10-2019 г.
Goatfucker from Tunesia.. Do not call back!! Scam call.
Min Woo08-08-2016 г.
Liebe Heidi Lammel, hallo! Ich bin Min Woo! Haben Sie mich erinnert? Ich spiele Orgel in Ton-halle im Juli. Ich freue mich, damals habe ich dich dort sehen konnte. Und jetzt weiter kann ich mit dich kontaktieren. Wie geht’s Ihnen? Mir geht’s gut. Ich habe jetzt sehr freie Zeit verbraucht. Ich warte euch Antwort. Ich habe Ihre E-Adresse bekommen von Ihnen, aber das funktioniert nicht.. Schöne Ferien und genossen Sommer Herzliche Grüße Min
abdifatah ali omar10-01-2017 г.
i want to get may phone have lost and i think uses another person
carlo31-03-2020 г.
Good evening, the number 21699209953 calls me and then closes. I see tunisia written on the phone. Why does this number keep calling me? Thanks Carlo
Michael12-05-2018 г.
Whatsapp spam caller. His whatsapp picture for May 13 2018 is
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