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1. Mona21-01-2018 г.
Leider nein, Anfragen zu Schwangerschaften beantworte ich nur anhand der Planetenstände. Karten ergeben dazu keine spezifische Auskunft, wäre alles nur vage. Liebe Grüße von Mona
2. steffi22-01-2018 г.
hi Steffi geht’s dir gut ich hoffe für dich
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Information about the comments

All information about the phone number 4917664397042 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

annoyed girl23-05-2017 г.
The owner of this number annoys me by ringing me in the night !
Вдигам щанги,в рэце съм биг,в главата мозъка като на маймуна 5мин помня25-07-2020 г.
Палнай измамчик,дрго име,фалшиво
Rafael04-07-2016 г.
Hola, Email es mejor, solo hablo un poco espanol. Rafael
Ilayaraja25-02-2017 г.
My old number which I want to get back.
ABDULNAZAR15-07-2020 г.
i want to know about that number 967734009542 i think this person is scammer or stole the number thanks
Martha Lomeli09-02-2017 г.
alguien me ha llamado de este numero diciendo que esta en reino unido, y el localizador me dice que esta en china, me temo que pueda ser un fraude.
dash21-01-2017 г.
the owner of this number is fraudulent. do not transact with her. you do so at your own risk.
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