I got call from this number.but I dont know who was this?
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All information about the phone number 50936270203 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!
Hello Danuta, try to send you an sms but it does not send somehow. your kid getting 18 already, then we know eachother also for some time now. :-) If we where closer we could go for some drink or dinner.. :-) take good care of yourself.
Hugs&kisses, Gino
is this a number associated with a scam?
I am in New Zealand..shows as a missed call to my mobile..no one answers if I rng back....I do not know anyone with a
Jersey phone number at all...
I work in dubai 2008 to 2011,canyou please send me my Copy of my previuos emirates ID number need it for my application of police clearance on uae police.